Command Modification by Daniel Stelzer

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This extension allows the programmer to override what the player typed and parse different commands instead.

force the command "jump"
force the command set {"north", "east", "northeast"}

This "forces" the player to type the specified command, by overriding the keyboard input.

replay the command "jump"
replay the command set {"north", "east", "northeast"}

This prints and executes the specified command without waiting for player input, as if it were replayed from the Skein.

silently execute the command "jump"
silently execute the command set {"north", "east", "northeast"}

This is the same as "replay", but the command line is hidden entirely. Note that the results of the actions are still printed.
Command Modification by Daniel Stelzer begins here.

Include Typographical Conveniences by Daniel Stelzer.

Include (-
[ GetKeyReturn key; !Based on code from Basic Screen Effects, this gets a (safe) keypress and returns its value.
   while (true){
     key = VM_KeyChar();
     #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE;
     if ( key == 63 or 129 or 130 or 131 or 132 )
     #Ifnot; ! TARGET_GLULX
     if ( key == -2 or -3 or -4 or -5 or -10 or -11 or -12 or -13 )
     #Endif; ! TARGET_
     return key;
]; -).

To decide what number is the/-- next keypress:
   (- GetKeyReturn(); -).

To visually force the command (typed command - text): [This just does the typing thingy.]
   say "[command prompt][run paragraph on]";
   let the index be 1;
   let X be zero;
   while the index is at most the number of characters in the typed command:
     let X be the next keypress;
     if X is zero or X is -2 or X is -3 or X is -6 or X is -7 or X is 8, next; [Ignore nothing at all, DELETE, ENTER, etc.]
     say "[character number index in the typed command][r]";
     increment the index;
   while X is not -6: [Wait for ENTER to execute the command.]
     let X be the next keypress;
   say "[roman type][line break]".

The command override queue is a list of lists of text that varies.
An override mode is a kind of value. The override modes are replay mode, forced mode, and silent mode.
The command override mode is a list of override modes that varies.

Rule for reading a command when the command override queue is not empty (this is the command modification rule):
   while entry 1 in the command override queue is empty: [We've finished this set. Now on to the next one!]
     remove entry 1 from the command override queue; [We need the "while" instead of a simple "if" to deal with an edge case when the last command of one set adds another set, leaving an empty vestige behind in the queue.]
     remove entry 1 from the command override mode; [The loop means it'll be cleaned up before it causes any problems.]
     if the command override queue is empty, make no decision; [Drop back to normal reading-a-command rules when we have nothing more to do here.]
   let the new command be entry 1 in entry 1 in the command override queue; [Go one level deeper.]
   let the chosen mode be entry 1 in the command override mode;
   if the chosen mode is:
     -- replay mode:
       say "[command prompt][alert][new command][/alert][line break]" (A);
     -- forced mode:
       visually force the command (new command);
       do nothing;
     -- silent mode:
       do nothing;
   change the text of the player's command to the new command;
   remove entry 1 from entry 1 in the command override queue; [Pop this command off.]
   if entry 1 in the command override queue is empty: [Check this once at the end as well just in case.]
     remove entry 1 from the command override queue;
     remove entry 1 from the command override mode.

To push command-forcing for (commands - list of text) in (mode - override mode):
   add the commands at entry 1 in the command override queue;
   add the mode at entry 1 in the command override mode.

To push single command-forcing for (command - text) in (mode - override mode):
   let L be a list of texts;
   add the command to L;
   push command-forcing for L in the mode.

To force the command (typed command - text):
   push single command-forcing for the typed command in forced mode.

To force the command set (commands - list of text):
   push command-forcing for the commands in forced mode.

To replay the command (typed command - text):
   push single command-forcing for the typed command in replay mode.

To replay the command set (commands - list of text):
   push command-forcing for the commands in replay mode.

To silently execute the command (typed command - text):
   push single command-forcing for the typed command in silent mode.

To silently execute the command set (commands - list of text):
   push command-forcing for the commands in silent mode.

Command Modification ends here.